A Non-Web Shop-Odyssey


Jan 12, 1998 5:18:51 PM

Dear Visa Investigation Team;


RE: Visa %3 Surcharging Fees.

          In our last telephone discussion, you stated that 

I had no concrete evidence to link this ATIC company with 

credit charge fraud.




1] 1  IDE Cable +3% visasurcharge=$06.18<-wrong type

2] 1 null cable +3%  visa surcharge=$10.30<-not tried yet

3] 1 2.1 athd  $230+3% visa surcharge=$236.90<-broken drive 


sub+3% visa surcharge=$253.38

+3% visa surcharge  gst=$017.74

 +3% visa surcharge  pst=$017.74


+3% visa surcharge total=$288.86

The credit statement 'I had to argue to get this paper'      

Refunded Item #3 +3%=-$262.20 


Tayable difference+3% visa surcharge=$026.66      


Item 3] 1 2.1 athd $230+3% visa surcharge=$236.90 

This broken hard drive caused me 15 hours of undue 

installation aggravations as well..who cares heh!

	This surcharge may be illegal, but is not really 

enforced by visa corp, because it generates more merchant 

business for the visa corporation.

	In our last conversation, u shrugged me off by telling 

me to contact the bank of nova scotia visa account, and that I 

had no substantial proof, well this doesn't all add-up, as well 

as the item (3] 1 2.1 athd $230+3% visa surcharge=$236.90 I have to 

pay additional taxes for this piece of garbage!

This letter will be posted to my internet sites in the wwweb 

banking portion, fvirtual.html. 

as well as forwarded to the legal authorities that will do 

something about this type of illegal activity.

	I'd say that your customer support system is about as 

effective as your 30 year old des ecryption for pin numbers, 

almost anybody can figure out a pin number for visa and american 

express, that's a reason for my lack of use of this card. 

It seems like the merchants are not happy with your annual %50 

rates compared to mastercard, they just want more with the 

visa %3 surcharging fees.




previous fax

jan 04, 1997 5:18:51 pm

RE: visa %3 surcharging fees.       


	I recently purchased 3 items at a computer store                 



     atic computers                                            

aka: a&t int'l computers                                         

     # 45 e. broadway                                              

     vancouver, bc                                                  

     v5t 1v4                                                      

     ph: 604-875-8859                                                 

     fx: 604-875-8611                                                 


...whereas they flat-out charged me 3% for the use of my visa card.

	they also sold me a 'new' disfunctional computer hard drive,

which was not factory sealed.

	I had to return the broken/used hard drive only after

much aggravation and store turmoil. atic computers did not

exchange the hard drive for a working unit, and gave a line of

'pooh' about my computer not being able to handle the hard drive,

without even knowing what kind of system I have...'that was very

psychic of them' I thought.

	When I returned the hard drive for an exchange, they

insisted on ' closing the account ' to reclaim the %15-%20

re-stocking fee, but all they could get was the non-refundable

%3 visa usage fee.

	I thought that I was lucky to get away without their

re-stocking fee, that I forgot about the %3 $urcharge they 

ripped me off for.

	I was explicitly told at time of purchase, that the %3

surcharge was for the visa usage. the fact that they sold me a

piece of second hand garbage for the price of new is another

issue. they might say that the %3 add-on is because of the fall 

in canadian dollar value, since these orientals seem to think 

they are above canadian standards, and commitments.

	This store has a bad reputation for selling used as new

equipment,...that they acquire from people who upgrade their

products. the %3 visa surcharge is quite new to me, and

otherwise unheard of generally.

	After calling customer support, I was told to contact

you, with a description of the %3 visa surcharge event, and i

hope this covers what you may require for now.

None of their 'atic' transactions are logged on to a computer, 

so it is difficult to isolate the proper transaction process. 

these people can basicaly make a living on selling defective 

items and charging for the visa %3 fee, as well as their 

re-stocking fee. many people have complained about this too 

as posted on the internet/usenet van.forsale group. I have a 

few copies of these threads if you require them.

	if u need a copy of the hand written transaction, I 

will fax it to you, but the visa %3 $ is auto integrated in the 

invoice, as well as the refund 'credit' pink slip calculation, 

that I had to argue to get.

	I would prefer e-mail if you need to contact me or phone

604-255-8787 ..leave voice message.


Robert Lacasse/Triad Productions

514 Alexander street.,

Vancouver, bc, v6a 1c7,




As for ATIC Computers, 

this is all I can Surmise!

	Yeah...U can say I told U so..but I didn't figure ATIC to 

be that bad and all that. 

	So I went and got a 'New' Quantum FB ST, tried it as slave 

and master, worked once for 2 minutes, so I tried to get a refund 

after 12 hours of messing around...'No can do didi mau, you pay 

re-stocking fee  %15' like I tried to figure out how a dead hdrive and 

my wasted time was worth $45 to them. They do like lots'a places and 

just rebag and re-seal the items brought in for upgrades. Upgrades?

Yes that must have been what I bought...how can they sell returned 

upgrades as new? 			   

	Well then I asked for a working unit 'Managaer not in..come 

back later'....where is the manager? All the hardrives come in one 

big box, without the styrofoam spacers like all those RMA trips and 

costs..yes that have static bags.

	They don't carry mastercard accounts, hhmm i wonder why...

maybe I'll cancel my Visa purchase and launch a free investigation. 

Caveat Emptor..that's nothing, [Baby it's Time to Kill Again]

	I only speak french and english..I mean Canadian and a few 

others, but when Atic saw this occidental quy, I saw the piece of 

garbage of a HDrive coming....used as hell, 'from a previous upgrader 

I suppose' and it took me 3 days to get a refund, only to be ripped-off 

by the %3 Visa surcharge and taking insults to my Technical 

comprehension in Public, then I evaded the %15 re-stocking fee 


	The owner gave me a load of shit saying that my 1 year old 

M/Board was too old w/o even knowing anything about it..etc..etc..

What a load of shit to go through because these guys think they 

own Canada, Hell they get $20,000.00 each for coming to Canada, 

counting all 13 or so members, that's  $260,000.00, that used to be alot 

of money in the 1950's..but still, it's more than what Canadians got.